When will The Auckland Unitary Plan be operative?
There has been a lot of talk about the Proposed Auckland Unitary Plan (PAUP) and when it will be operative.
First the Auckland Unitary Plan Independent Hearings Panel must finish hearing submissions on the PAUP. The panel will then make its recommendations to Auckland Council, including any recommended changes. This is due to happen by July 2016.
Auckland Council then has until August 2016 to publicly notify its decisions on these recommendations. This notification will be followed by an appeals process, and the plan won’t become operative until that process is complete.
We have been informed by council that the PAUP decision version (all rules with legal effect, but provisions potentially subject to challenge) is aimed to come into effect on the 19th August 2016.
The PAUP decision version – annotated (identifies rules subject to appeal, and those deemed operative) is aimed to come into effect on the 16th of September 2016.
An application submitted before the PAUP comes into effect will be assessed against the Legacy Plan (ACDP:RS), even if the PAUP becomes operative while the application is processing.
Source: Auckland Council website